POLLING MEMO: Mike France 46% – Joe Courtney 44%

January 9, 2021

TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Alex Avetoom, General Consultant

RE: New Data Shows CT2 as Highly Competitive and Winnable with GOP Support

DATE: September 9, 2022


SUMMARY: A survey of 400 likely-voters was conducted September 6-8 in Connecticut Congressional District Two by one of the nation’s leading polling firms American Viewpoint.

The 400 voter survey has a margin of error of +/-4 and makes abundantly clear that Navy veteran Mike France has a pathway to victory in CT-2.


  • Despite a 9-point registration advantage for Democrats, the generic ballot is essentially tied 42%-43%
  • 12% of Republicans would support the Democrat and 13% of Democrats would support the Republican
  • In the race for Governor in CT-2, Republican Bob Stefanowski leads Democrat Gov. Ned Lamont 46%-45%
  • 55% of voters said rising prices and the economy is more important to their vote than abortion.
  • After hearing the truth about Joe Courtney, France leads Courtney 46%-44%


A deeper dive into the details of the survey makes clear that years of Joe Courtney never being hit has allowed him to easily brand himself in the eyes of voters as being both moderate and a champion for jobs in New London.  Courtney’s access to support from the Democratic Party of both Connecticut and the national Party apparatus have enable him to maintain significant spend levels even in spite of incredibly unpopular liberal policies.

Conversely, Mike France enters the final quarter of the campaign season as possibly the cheapest pick up opportunity for Republicans this cycle. France led the pack in fundraising last quarter and did so without a Rule 11 letter, without support from the Chairman of the Connecticut GOP and in the midst of an economic recession. To date Mike France has out-raised the last five Republican challengers to Joe Courtney combined and has released a new TV spot defining Joe Courtney for the first time in a decade. WATCH THE AD HERE!


NOTE: A full report of the survey will be published and distributed publicly by American Viewpoint Research and the NRCC on September 12, 2022, however the France Campaign wanted to communicate the incredible opportunity available to Republicans in Connecticut’s second district.  This opportunity is the first in many years and presents itself in spite of very little institutional support from Connecticut Republicans to date.


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Paid for by Mike France for CT2
(860) 381-0814
PO Box 222 Gales Ferry, CT 06335-0222
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